
Das Eck

Design of the Book “das Eck” (the corner) with the work of Photographer Andrea Grützner. Published at Kerber Publisher.

Graphic art, painting, collage, or photography? In her work, the highly acclaimed artist Andrea Grützner focuses on public spaces and architecture. For “the corner”, she explored the city of Koblenz with her camera and directs viewers’ eyes off the beaten track and to the graphic structure of the urban architecture. Grützner’s concentrated image details — painterly, abstract, and surreal — only still have little to do with views of the city as we perceive them on a day-to-day basis. They open up new perspectives on German postwar architecture and on historical artifacts. The photo book contains the new series “the corner”, which was realized within the framework of the “Koblenz City Photographer” grant. (Text: Kerber Verlag)

Editor: Clara Röllinghoff, Koblenzer Stadtfotograf e. V.
Photographer: Andrea Grützner
Text by: Anja Horstmann, Prof. Dr. J. Hofmann-Göttig, Clara Röllinghoff
Design: Sven Lindhorst-Emme
Size: 20 x 25,5 cm
Facts: 80 Seiten, 51 farbige Abbildungen, Hardcover, gebunden
Language: Deutsch

ISBN 978-3-7356-0231-2

Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck
Das Eck